Tuberculin (PPD) purified for mammals 1 bottle of 100 doses

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Tuberculin (PPD) purified for mammals 1 bottle of 100 doses


Purified tuberculin (PPD) - for allergic diagnosis of tuberculosis in mammals. In appearance, tuberculin is a clear, light brown liquid without sediment.


Tuberculin is made from the protein fraction of the growth products and thermal destruction of the bovine tuberculosis pathogen (strain: No. 8 or Valle, or AN5) grown on a synthetic nutrient medium purified by membrane fractionation, with the addition of phenol (no more than 0.5% by volume), glycerin (no more than 10% by volume) and sodium chloride (0.85% В± 0.05%).


Purified tuberculin (IShD) for mammals is a veterinary immunobiological preparation - an allergen for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Tuberculin, when administered to animals infected with a bovine or human tuberculosis pathogen, causes a local or general allergic reaction, depending on the method of administration. A local reaction to the intradermal administration of tuberculin can manifest itself in animals infected with the causative agent of avian tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, as well as non-tuberculous mycobacteria of various types. In severe forms of tuberculosis, as well as in sick animals with metabolic disorders, with immunodeficiencies, etc. the reaction to tuberculin may be mild or absent (anergy).

The activity of purified tuberculin (ISD) for mammals is 10,000 IU (international units of the First International Standard PPD bovine) in 1 cm3.

Tuberculin is harmless, has no medicinal properties.


Tuberculin is intended for the allergic diagnosis of tuberculosis in mammals. Allergic research is carried out in accordance with this instruction and current documents governing the diagnosis of animal tuberculosis.

Subject to tuberculinization are: cattle, buffaloes, zebu-like, yaks, horses and other equids, pigs, sheep, goats, monkeys, marsupials, wolves and other representatives of carnivores, dogs, cats - from 2 months of age; marals, deer, antelopes, fur animals (minks, arctic foxes, foxes) - from 6 months of age; camels, dolphins, elephants, rhinos, hippos - from 1 year old.

Cows (heifers), buffaloes, yachts, camels are examined regardless of the gestation period; zebu-like, mares, donkeys, sows, sheep, goats, bitches, fur-bearing animals and females of other animal species - no earlier than 1 month after giving birth.

For allergic research of mammals (except for monkeys, cats and fur animals), tuberculin is used in a volume of 0.2 cm3; when studying monkeys, cats and fur-bearing animals - in a volume of 0.1 cm3.

In the study of monkeys, tuberculin is diluted 10 times (1 volume of tuberculin and 9 volumes of diluent) with sterile saline solution pH 7.0 В± 0.5 or with a solvent of mycobacterial allergens.

For intradermal administration of tuberculin, syringes with a capacity of 1-2 cm3 and needles for intradermal injections or needleless injectors BI-7, IBV-02 and their analogs are used, for intravenous administration - syringes with a capacity of 5-10 cm3 with needles for injection. For the introduction of tuberculin, the use of disposable syringes is allowed. Monkeys, fur-bearing animals, cats, tuberculin is injected only with a syringe and a needle. To apply tuberculin to the conjunctiva, eye pipettes or syringes without needles are used.

Syringes, needles and eye pipettes before and after use are sterilized by boiling for 30 minutes in distilled or boiled water without adding disinfectants. Needleless injectors are sterilized according to the instructions for use.

A separate sterile needle is used for each animal.

Before the introduction of tuberculin, the wool (hair) cover at the injection site in animals (except for sheep, goats, monkeys, marsupials and fur-bearing animals) is cut, the skin is treated with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol.

With the intradermal method of tuberculinization, tuberculin is administered to: cattle (except for bulls), buffaloes, zebu-like, yaks, deer, marals - into the middle third of the neck; bulls, elephants, rhinos, hippos - in the tail fold; for camels - in the abdominal wall or groin area at the level of the horizontal line of the ischial tubercle; pigs - from the outer surface of the ear, 2-3 cm from its base; piglets at the age of 2-3 months are allowed to inject tuberculin into the lumbar region, retreating from the spine by 5-8 cm, using only a needleless injector; to dogs, wolves and other representatives of carnivores - in the area of ​​the inner thigh or elbow fold; monkeys, marsupials, fur-bearing animals - in the upper eyelid; sheep and goats - in the lower eyelid, departing from its edge 1.5 - 2.0 cm; dolphins - in the back in the area of ​​the front fin;

The registration and assessment of the reaction in cattle, buffaloes, zebu-like, yaks, camels, elephants, rhinos, hippos, deer, marals, antelopes, monkeys, marsupials, dolphins is carried out 72 hours after the introduction of tuberculin; in pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, wolves and other representatives of predators, cats, fur-bearing animals - after 48 hours.

When taking into account the reaction, the place of tuberculin injection is palpated in each animal under study, in monkeys, marsupials, sheep, goats and fur-bearing animals, the condition of the eyelids of the right and left eyes is assessed, in bulls, elephants, rhinos, hippos - the left and right sub-tail folds.

When changes are detected in cattle (except for bulls), buffaloes, zebu-like, yaks, camels, deer, marals, antelopes, measure the thickness of the fold in millimeters at the injection site of tuberculin with a cutimeter and determine the amount of its thickening compared to the thickness of the skin fold near the injection site tuberculin.

Animals are considered to be responsive to tuberculin: cattle (except for bulls), buffalo, zebu-like, camels, deer, marals, antelopes - with a thickening of the skin fold by 3 mm or more, regardless of the nature of the swelling (swelling, soreness, increase in local temperature); bulls, elephants, rhinos, hippos, pigs, dogs, wolves and other representatives of carnivores, dolphins, cats - when a swelling forms at the injection site of tuberculin; monkeys, marsupials, sheep, goats and fur-bearing animals - with a visible difference between the eyelids of the right and left eyes.

In areas that are unfavorable for tuberculosis in cattle, the use of a double tuberculin test is allowed. For this purpose, to animals that did not respond to the first injection of tuberculin, the drug is injected repeatedly on the day of recording the reaction in the same dose and in the same place. Accounting for the reaction to the second injection of tuberculin is carried out after 24 hours.

The ocular tuberculinization method (ophthalmic test) is used to diagnose tuberculosis in horses and other equids.

In cattle, this method can only be used simultaneously with an intradermal tuberculin test for additional detection of infected animals in farms unfavorable for tuberculosis or when selecting animals for diagnostic slaughter. The diagnosis of tuberculosis in postmortem examination is most often confirmed in animals that react simultaneously when examined in each of the samples.

An ocular tuberculin test is performed twice with an interval of 5-6 days between injections. Tuberculin in the amount of 3-5 drops is applied with a pipette or a syringe without a needle on the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid or on the surface of the cornea when the lower eyelid is drawn. Animals that react to the first injection of tuberculin are not re-administered the drug. Accounting for the results of ophthalmic tests is carried out 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours after the first and 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours after the repeated administration of tuberculin. A positive reaction is characterized by the formation of a mucopurulent or purulent secretion that accumulates in the conjunctival sac or flows out in the form of a cord from the inner corner of the eye, hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva. When taking into account the reaction, it is necessary to delay the lower eyelid and examine the conjunctival sac,

Short-term hyperemia and lacrimation with the formation of a small amount of mucous secretion, as well as the absence of any changes, is assessed as a negative reaction.

The intravenous method of tuberculinization is used to select animals for diagnostic slaughter from among those who react to tuberculin in herds free of tuberculosis.

An intravenous test may only be carried out on adult cattle (at least 18 months old), with the exception of cows (heifers) during the month before and after calving.

Before the introduction of tuberculin, the animal's body temperature is measured. Animals with an elevated temperature (above 39.5 В° C are not examined).

An intravenous test is carried out with a 50% solution of tuberculin (tuberculin is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with saline with a pH of 6.8 to 7, 2 or with a solvent of mycobacterial allergens). The test animal is injected intravenously with 1 cm3 of tuberculin per 100 kg of live weight.

The reaction is taken into account 3, 6 and 9 hours after the administration of tuberculin by measuring the body temperature of the animal.

In animals with tuberculosis, the reaction to intravenous administration of tuberculin is characterized in most cases by an increase in body temperature. A general reaction of the body is possible in the form of convulsive phenomena, severe anxiety, rarely - loss of consciousness and death from anaphylactic shock.

Animals are considered to be positively reacting when the body temperature rises to 40.5 В° C or more.

The palpebral method of tuberculinization of cattle is used simultaneously with an intradermal tuberculin test to differentiate between specific and nonspecific reactions during the initial diagnosis. In cattle, tuberculin is administered at a dose of 0.2 cm





Kursk biofactory

Temperature regime

from +5 to +8


for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle, camels, buffaloes, deer, pigs, goats, sheep, fur animals and other mammals

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