Teymurova paste for external use, 50g
Russian Pharmacy name:
Теймурова паста для наружного применения , 50г
diaper rash of the skin;
hyperhidrosis of the feet.
Teymurov's paste is applied topically. Before applying the paste, you should wash your feet and dry your skin thoroughly. The paste is rubbed into the skin of the feet for 1-3 minutes once a day, every day for 3-4 days.
boric acid-7.0 g, sodium tetraborate-7.0 g, salicylic acid-1.4 g, zinc oxide-25.0 g, hexamethylenetetramine-3.5 g, formaldehyde solution-3.5 g, lead acetate- 0.3 g, talc-25.0 g, glycerin-12.0 g, peppermint oil-0.3 g, purified water-12.0 g, emulsifier No. 1 or distilled monoglyceride (MGD) -3.0 g ...
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Teymurov paste
acute inflammatory diseases of the skin of the feet
Teimurova paste is a combined preparation, the action of which is due to its constituent components; has an antiseptic, drying and deodorizing effect.
diaper rash of the skin;
hyperhidrosis of the feet.
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Teymurov paste
acute inflammatory diseases of the skin of the feet
Composition :
boric acid-7.0 g, sodium tetraborate-7.0 g, salicylic acid-1.4 g, zinc oxide-25.0 g, hexamethylenetetramine-3.5 g, formaldehyde solution-3.5 g, lead acetate-0.3 g, talc-25.0 g, glycerin-12.0 g, peppermint oil-0.3 g, purified water-12.0 g, emulsifier No. 1 or distilled monoglyceride (MGD) -3, 0 g.
Method of administration and dosage:
Teymurov's paste is applied topically. Before applying the paste, you should wash your feet and dry your skin thoroughly. The paste is rubbed into the skin of the feet for 1-3 minutes once a day, every day for 3-4 days.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions.