Tanrek from the Colorado potato beetle 10ml
This product does not adversely affect the planting of potatoes, does not cause addiction in insect pests, has a long-lasting protective effect and is resistant to an increase in air temperature. With Tanrek, the fight against the Colorado potato beetle goes to a new level, so there is every chance to save your crop! One treatment - protection for the whole summer!
Advantages :
Has a systemic mechanism of action.
Resistant to rain washout, provides complete protection for all plant parts.
It is characterized by a long period of protective action, therefore, one treatment per season is sufficient.
Effective at both high and low temperatures.
Mode of application:
Culture, processed object Harmful object Consumption rate of the drug Method, processing time, application features Multiplicity of treatments, waiting times
Vegetable, fruit, citrus, flower, decorative crops Slugs, snails 30 g / 10 m 2 Sifting granules on the soil surface of row spacings, tracks 1(-)
Product subcategory
from the Colorado potato beetle
Temperature regime
from -25 to +35
An effective drug to protect against the Colorado potato beetle