Silicone bursoprotector with protection for all toes (1 pair)
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A type
Foot corrector
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Package weight, g
All-toe silicone bursoprotector for comprehensive forefoot protection.
The special feature of this protector is the combination of protection for the thumb and little finger.
The silicone pad deflects the thumb to help reduce hallux valgus.
The design of the bursoprotector is thought out in such a way that when you put it on, the little finger is located on the inner pad, reliably protected from friction not only from below, but also from above.
A bursoprotector with protection for the little toe, big toe and forefoot is recommended for use in the presence of the following problems:
hallux valgus - thumb bone"
joint diseases leading to curvature of the fingers
a congenital feature - crossed fingers (thumb and little finger)
hammer fingers
flatness of the foot
calluses, corns on the fingers and metatarsus
pain in the forefoot when walking.
The silicone band protector is useful for those who play sports, wears tight shoes or model shoes.
In this case, the bursoprotector helps to reduce the negative impact: loads, friction.
The silicone protector of the big toe and little toe can significantly improve the condition of the feet with regular use.
The products fit neatly around the front of the foot, protecting and separating the most problematic toes.
The silicone cushion provides shock absorption while walking, reducing the impact of dynamic stress.
Moving the thumb into the correct position helps to reduce the "bone".
In the presence of flat feet of 1-2 degrees, the forefoot is pulled together, preventing the arch from spreading.
Effects of using bursoprotector:
disappearance of pain in the area of the thumb
reduction of "bone" and inflammation
elimination of corns, rubbing, corns
the ability to spend the whole day on your feet without pain
protection of the phalanges of the toes from rubbing with shoes.
Manufacturer country
A type
Foot corrector
Brand name
Package weight, g