Profender 35 drops on the withers from helminths for cats up to 2.5 kg

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Profender 35 drops on the withers from helminths for cats up to 2.5 kg


Profender - drops on the withers against worms in cats for external use (spot-on). In appearance, the drug is a clear solution from yellow to light brown.


Profender in 1 ml contains emodepsid - 21.43 mg as active ingredients, praziquantel - 85.75 mg, as well as auxiliary substances butylhydroxyanisole - 5.4 mg, isopropylidene glycerol - 945.82 mg, lactic acid - 21.6 mg.


Drops of Profender belong to the combined drugs against worms (helminths).

The active ingredients included in the preparation provide its wide spectrum of anthelmintic action on round and tapeworms, including Toxocara cati (mature individuals, immature individuals, larval stages L3 migrating in the body and L4 parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract), Toxascaris leonine (sexually mature individuals, immature individuals, L4 larvae), Ancylostoma tubaeforme (mature individuals, immature individuals, L4 larvae), Echinococcus multilocularis, Dipylidium caninum, Taenia taeniaeformis parasitizing in cats.

Emodepsid is a semi-synthetic compound from the group of depsipeptides that has pronounced nematodocidal properties. By exerting a stimulating effect on presynaptic latrophilin receptors, emodepsid causes paralysis and death of the parasite.

Praziquantel is a compound of the pyrazinisoquinoline group that is active against gastrointestinal cestodes at all stages of development. The mechanism of action of praziquantel is depolarization of neuromuscular ganglion blockers, impaired glucose transport and microtubular function of cestodes, causing impaired muscle innervation, paralysis and death of parasites.

Pharmacokinetic properties of the drug ensure its good absorption from the site of application and long-term preservation in therapeutic concentration in the animal's body. The maximum concentrations of praziquantel and emodepsid are observed in the blood serum after 2-4 days. The compounds are excreted from the body within 28-30 days: emodepsid - unchanged, mainly with feces; praziquantel - mainly in urine.

According to the degree of impact on the body, the profender belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses it does not have local irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic and immunotoxic effects; well tolerated by cats of different breeds and ages. The drug is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms.


Profender is prescribed for deworming (destruction of worms) of cats with a preventive and therapeutic purpose for nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, hookworm disease) and cestodosis (teniidosis, dipyldiosis, echinococcosis).

Profender drops are applied externally, by topical (spot-on) application to the skin. Before use, remove the protective cap from the pipette and, placing it vertically, pierce the protective membrane of the pipette tip (putting on the cap from the back side), then remove the cap again. The drug, having parted the wool, is applied to places inaccessible for licking, directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck.

When processing large cats, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in the neck area in several places that are inaccessible for licking by the animals.

The minimum therapeutic dose of Profender is 0.14 ml / kg of animal weight.

When treating cats weighing more than 8 kg, Profender is used at the rate of 0.14 ml for each kg of animal weight, using combinations of pipettes of different packaging.

Treatment of cats from worms for therapeutic purposes is carried out according to indications, once; for preventive purposes - quarterly.

The time required for the drug to be absorbed is about 2 hours. After this time, the animal, if necessary, can be washed.


In case of an overdose of the drug, some cats may experience: increased salivation, vomiting, tremor. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and detergent and general measures are applied to remove it from the body.

The peculiarities of the action of the drug during the first application and withdrawal were not revealed.

When processing animals, the interval recommended by the instructions should be followed. If the next treatment is skipped, the use of the drug is resumed in the same dose according to the same scheme.


A contraindication to the use of Profender is the increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.

Profender should not be used in kittens under 8 weeks of age and / or weighing less than 0.5 kg.

The drug should not be applied to damp or damaged skin.


As a rule, there are no side effects and complications when using Profender in accordance with this instruction. In rare cases, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which disappear spontaneously and do not require the use of drugs.

In case of manifestation of allergic reactions in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed off with soap and water and rinsed with plenty of running water, and if necessary, prescribe antihistamines and symptomatic agents.


Store the drug in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a dry place protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from 0 В° C to 30 В° C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production.


Produce Profender packaged in 0.35 ml in polypropylene pipettes of appropriate capacity with caps.

Pipettes, 2 pieces, are placed in an aluminum foil blister and packed in cardboard boxes along with instructions for use.







for deworming cats with prophylactic and therapeutic purposes with nematodes and cestodes

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