Nykotynovaya acid | Nicotinic acid tablets 50 mg, 50 pcs.
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50 pcs
Pharmacological action of
Nicotinic acid is a specific antipellagric agent (vitamin PP). It improves carbohydrate metabolism, has a vasodilating effect, including on the vessels of the brain, possesses lipid-lowering activity. In large doses, nicotinic acid lowers the content of triglycerides and beta-lipoproteins in the blood, reduces the ratio of cholesterol / phospholipids in low-density lipoproteins. It has detoxification properties.
Nicotinic acid is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of pellagra (vitamin deficiency PP), in the complex treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disorders, lower limb vascular diseases (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), spasm of vessels of the extremities, bile duct and urinary complications (diabetic polyneuropathy, microangiopathy), liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis), with gastritis with low acidity, as well as with neuritis of the facial nerve, with long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers.
Hypersensitivity, gastric and duodenal ulcer (in the acute stage), severe liver dysfunction, gout, hyperuricemia, severe forms of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis (iv). Restrictions on the use of: pregnancy, lactation.
Dosage and administration of
For the prevention of pellagra for adults inside 15-25 mg / day., Children - 5-20 mg / day. With pellagra, adults inside of 100 mg 2-4 times / day. within 15-20 days, parenteral - 10 mg 1-2 times / day. within 10-15 days. Children inside - 5-50 mg 2-3 times / day. According to other indications inside adults 20-50 mg (up to 100 mg), children - 5-30 mg 2-3 times / day. In ischemic stroke, 10 mg iv is administered.
Side effects
Redness of the face and upper half of the body (especially when taken on an empty stomach and in people with hypersensitivity), dizziness, a rush of blood to the head, paresthesia, urticaria.
With prolonged use - liver dystrophy, increased uric acid in the blood, decreased glucose tolerance.
Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place at room temperature.
Shelf life
4 years.
active substance
Terms and conditions
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