Multivitamins, Minerals | Fenyuls capsules, 10 pcs.
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Per pack 10 pcs.
Pharmacological action
Iron supplement with a complex of vitamins for oral administration, located in a capsule that contains microdialysis granules and provides a gradual release of components. The drug is used for chronic blood loss, alimentary iron deficiency, increased iron demand.
Iron is necessary for the normal functioning of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, peroxidases and catalases. Being a structural component of the topic, it takes part in hematopoiesis.
The presence in microdialysis granules in combination with iron of ascorbic acid and vitamins * of group B improves the absorption of iron, prevents the prooxidant effect of iron. Thiamine is involved as a cofactor of enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system.
Nicotinamide is involved in cellular respiration.
Riboflavin is an essential catalyst for cellular respiration and visual perception. Pyridxine as a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Calcium pantothenate - an integral part of coenzyme A, is involved in the processes of acetylation and oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamins restore the disturbed metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats during the development of dystrophic disorders in the body caused by latent iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency.
Hypersensitivity to the drug, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, childhood.
Special instructions
It is possible to stain urine in a bright yellow color, which has no clinical significance and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the composition.
Treatment of iron deficiency anemia should be carried out under the control of hemoglobin level and concentration of iron in blood serum.
Composition of
1 capsule contains:
Active ingredients:
Anhydrous iron sulfate 150 mg
Thiamine mononitrate 2 mg
Riboflavin 2 mg
Ascorbic acid 50 mg
Nicotinamide prd 15 mg
hydrochloride 1 mg
granules Non Pareil, ethyl cellulose shellac karmoizin supra isopropyl alcohol capsule size "1" green / transparent.
Dosage and administration of
In case of latent iron deficiency, 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
For the prevention of latent iron deficiency (with heavy and prolonged menstruation): 1 capsule 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation, during the cycle and 1-2 days after the end.
Side effects
Allergic reactions, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, epigastric pain, dizziness.
Drug Interactions
The simultaneous use of other multivitamin complexes is not recommended to avoid overdose.
It should not be prescribed simultaneously with antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium salts, as iron absorption decreases.
Iron reduces the absorption of tetracycline drugs. Pyridoxine reduces the therapeutic effect of levodopa.
Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 РC.
The Expiration of
is 3 years.
Form of Treatment
Adult, Pregnant doctor, Nursing moms
From menstrual irregularities, From bleeding, For the prevention of iron deficiency, From anemia, From hypovitaminosis
Possible product names
Fenyuls iron + vitamins caps N10 India
Fenyuls caps N10
Fenyuls caps. x 10
Ranbaxy Laboratoriz Limited, India
Per pack 10 pcs.
Pharmacological action
Iron supplement with a complex of vitamins for oral administration, located in a capsule that contains microdialysis granules and provides a gradual release of components. The drug is used for chronic blood loss, alimentary iron deficiency, increased iron demand.
Iron is necessary for the normal functioning of hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, peroxidases and catalases. Being a structural component of the topic, it takes part in hematopoiesis.
The presence in microdialysis granules in combination with iron of ascorbic acid and vitamins * of group B improves the absorption of iron, prevents the prooxidant effect of iron. Thiamine is involved as a cofactor of enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system.
Nicotinamide is involved in cellular respiration.
Riboflavin is an essential catalyst for cellular respiration and visual perception. Pyridxine as a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Calcium pantothenate - an integral part of coenzyme A, is involved in the processes of acetylation and oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamins restore the disturbed metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats during the development of dystrophic disorders in the body caused by latent iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency.
Hypersensitivity to the drug, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, childhood.
Special instructions
It is possible to stain urine in a bright yellow color, which has no clinical significance and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the composition.
Treatment of iron deficiency anemia should be carried out under the control of hemoglobin level and concentration of iron in blood serum.
Composition of
1 capsule contains:
Active ingredients:
Anhydrous iron sulfate 150 mg
Thiamine mononitrate 2 mg
Riboflavin 2 mg
Ascorbic acid 50 mg
Nicotinamide prd 15 mg
hydrochloride 1 mg
granules Non Pareil, ethyl cellulose shellac karmoizin supra isopropyl alcohol capsule size "1" green / transparent.
Dosage and administration of
In case of latent iron deficiency, 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
For the prevention of latent iron deficiency (with heavy and prolonged menstruation): 1 capsule 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation, during the cycle and 1-2 days after the end.
Side effects
Allergic reactions, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, epigastric pain, dizziness.
Drug Interactions
The simultaneous use of other multivitamin complexes is not recommended to avoid overdose.
It should not be prescribed simultaneously with antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium salts, as iron absorption decreases.
Iron reduces the absorption of tetracycline drugs. Pyridoxine reduces the therapeutic effect of levodopa.
Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 РC.
The Expiration of
is 3 years.
Form of Treatment
Adult, Pregnant doctor, Nursing moms
From menstrual irregularities, From bleeding, For the prevention of iron deficiency, From anemia, From hypovitaminosis
Possible product names
Fenyuls iron + vitamins caps N10 India
Fenyuls caps N10
Fenyuls caps. x 10
Ranbaxy Laboratoriz Limited, India