Intrauterine coil Juno Bio Ag of annular type 2 in a box
Russian Pharmacy name:
Спираль внутриматочная Юнона Био Аg кольцеобразного типа 2 в коробке
In the model 'Juno Bio - T Ag' type No. 2, the silver core increases the duration of contraceptive use.
The anchor of the intrauterine contraceptive is made of plastic in the form of a closed ring with a diameter of 18 mm, inside which a rod is placed. A bimetallic copper-silver wire with a nominal active surface area of ??254 mm2 is wound on the rod in a ring-shaped IUD of the 'Juno Bio-T' type No. 2 (the purity of copper is not less than 99.98%, the silver content is not less than 9.3%) and a monofilament thread is attached to control the position and removal of the contraceptive. X-ray and ultrasound - contrast is provided by the presence of a bimetallic copper-silver wire on the rod. The method of inserting the IUD is the УwithdrawalФ method, the diameter of the graduated guide tube is 3.9 mm.
Duration of contraception - no more than 7 years for the IUD of the ring-shaped form 'Juno Bio-T Ag' type No. 2
Sterilization - radiation.
INDICATIONS: Contraceptive.
- Inflammatory diseases in the genital area.
- Malignant neoplasms.
- Myoma and fibroids, deforming the uterine cavity.
- Development anomalies.
- Increased menstrual pain and discharge.
- Development of inflammatory processes in the endometrium.
- Perforation of the uterine wall is the rarest complication (1: 4500-1: 5500). With a partial finding of the intrauterine device in the myometrium (first degree), it is removed by the vaginal route. With full immersion in the myometrium or exit into the abdominal cavity (second and third degree), the abdominal path is used.