Homeopatycheskyy composition | Rengalin 20 x resorption tablets

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Tablets are flat-cylindrical, beveled, with a notch on one flat side, with solid edges, from white to almost white.

MATERIA MEDICA is inscribed on the flat side with the risk, RENGALIN is inscribed on the other flat side.

Tablets are flat-cylindrical, beveled, with a notch on one flat side, with solid edges, from white to almost white.

MATERIA MEDICA is inscribed on the flat side with the risk, RENGALIN is inscribed on the other flat side.

Release form

lozenges. On 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging from a film of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum foil.

1, 2 or 5 blister packs along with instructions for medical use are placed in a pack of cardboard.

packaging 20 pcs

Pharmacological action

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other antitussive drugs

ATX code R05DB

Pharmacological properties


Experimentally shown that the components of the drug modify the activity of the ligand-receptor interaction of endogenous regulators with the corresponding receptors: antibodies to morphine - with opiate receptors for antibodies to histamine - with H1 histamine receptors for antibodies to bradykinin - with B1 receptors for bradykinin, while the combined use of the components increases the antitussive effect.

In addition to the antitussive effect, the complex preparation, due to its constituents, has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-allergic, antispasmodic (anti-histamine, anti-bradykinin antibodies) and analgesic effects (anti-morphine antibodies).

The complex drug Rengalin, due to the modification of histamine-dependent activation of H1 receptors and bradykinin-dependent activation of B2 receptors, selectively reduces the excitability of the cough center of the medulla oblongata, inhibits the central links of the cough reflex.

Inhibiting the centers of pain sensitivity in the thalamus, it blocks the transmission of pain impulses to the cerebral cortex. It inhibits the flow of pain impulses from the periphery due to a decrease in the release of tissue and plasma algogens (histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins, etc.). Unlike narcotic analgesics, it does not cause respiratory depression, drug dependence, does not have narcogenic and hypnotic effects.

Facilitates the manifestations of acute pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, reducing bronchospasm. Relieves systemic and local symptoms of allergic reactions due to the effect on the synthesis and release of histamine and bradykinin from mast cells.


The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, chromatography-mass spectrometry) does not allow us to evaluate the content of the active components of Rengalin in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it impossible to study pharmacokinetics.


Acute and chronic respiratory diseases accompanied by cough and bronchospasm. Productive and unproductive cough for influenza and SARS, acute pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, acute obstructive laryngitis, chronic bronchitis and other infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Rengalin is not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age due to insufficient data on efficacy and safety.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Rengalin in pregnant women and during breastfeeding has not been studied. If you need to take the drug, the risk / benefit ratio should be considered.


Active substances: Antibody to bradykinin, affinity purified - 0.006 g *

Antibody to histamine, affinity purified - 0.006 g *

Antibody to morphine, affinity purified 006 g *

Excipients: isomalt 0.506 g, microcrystalline cellulose 0.0275 g, magnesium stearate 0.0055 g, anhydrous citric acid 0.005225 g, colloidal silicon dioxide 0.00275 g, sodium cyclamate 0.00275 g, sodium saccharin 0.000275 g.

* are applied to isomalt in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of a substance diluted 10012, 10030, 10050 times, respectively.

Dosage and Administration

Inside. At one time - 1 tablet (keep in mouth until completely dissolved). Apply 1-2 tablets 3 times a day outside the meal. Depending on the severity of the condition in the first three days, the frequency of admission can be increased up to 4-6 times a day.

Side effects

Possible reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Drug Interaction

Incompatibilities with other drugs have not yet been reported.


Symptoms: Dyspepsia may occur due to bulking agents.

Storage conditions

In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 РC.

Shelf suitability

3 Year

Deystvuyuschee substances

Homeopatycheskyy composition

pharmacy leave terms without a prescription

dosage form

dosage form


Materia Medica holding, Russia

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