Free breathing collection for bronchitis BAA 2g, no. 20
Expiration Date: 05/2027
Russian Pharmacy name:
Сбор свобода дыхания при бронхите БАД 2г, №20
The collection 'Free breathing' is recommended for use as an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant agent as part of the prevention and complex treatment of a wide range of respiratory diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, exudative pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, as well as acute respiratory diseases (ARI) caused by the influenza virus or other types of viral or bacterial infections).
All extracts of medicinal plants included in the collection 'Free breathing' have a pronounced bactericidal and expectorant effect
Method of using the collection 'Free breathing': put 2 filter bags (2 g each) of the collection of vegetable 'Free breathing' in a glass or enamel dish, pour 200 ml (1 glass) boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. The resulting infusion is taken 3 times a day with meals for 1/3 cup. The duration of the course of taking the collection 'Free breathing' is 1 month.