Force Site 50ml

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Force Site 50ml

This product requires special training when used.


Force-Site 25% - an emulsion concentrate for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, rat mites. Transparent liquid, light brown.


Contains 25% fenthion (FOS), as well as antioxidant, stabilizer, fragrance, solvent.


According to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals when taken orally and applied to the skin, the agent belongs to the III class of moderately hazardous according to GOST 12.1.007. On contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, it has a moderately pronounced irritant effect. Vapors of the agent in saturating concentrations belong to the II class of highly hazardous according to the Criteria for the selection of insecticidal preparations. With a single contact with intact skin, the agent has a weakly pronounced local irritant effect, when exposed to mucous membranes - a pronounced irritating effect, miosis. The sensitizing effect of the agent has not been established.

Working water emulsion (2% by preparation) for inhalation in the zone of acute biocidal effect (in the form of an aerosol) belongs to the II class of highly hazardous, in the zone of subacute biocidal effect (in the form of vapors) it belongs to the III class of moderately hazardous according to the Classification of the degree of hazard disinsection means.

Working water emulsion, when exposed to mucous membranes, has a moderately pronounced irritating effect. With a single exposure to the skin, the working aqueous emulsion does not have a local effect, with repeated exposure it has a weakly pronounced irritating effect (1 point). There is no skin-resorptive effect with repeated contact of the working aqueous emulsion with intact skin. The sensitizing effect of the working aqueous emulsion has not been established.

The active substance of the fenthion agent belongs to the II class of highly hazardous compounds according to GOST 12.1.007.

The following hygienic standards have been established for it: OBUV in the air of the working area - 0.3 mg / m3 (II hazard class); Footwear in the air of populated areas - 0.001 mg / m3; MPC in water of reservoirs - 0.001 mg / dm3, MPC in soil - 0.1 mg / kg, DSD - 0.001 mg / kg.


The Force-Site tool is designed to destroy cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites in the practice of medical disinsection at objects of various categories. To combat ixodid ticks - carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease and other diseases - when processing natural conditions * and processing outerwear.


To combat ixodid ticks, the agent is used in the form of aqueous emulsions at a consumption rate of 2-2.5 kg of the drug / ha. Consumption of working solutions 100 l / ha. To prepare working emulsions, the agent is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly.

The amount of working emulsion, l / ha Consumption rate, l / ha R.e. concentration,% for DW R.e. concentration,% by means R.e. concentration,% 1l R.e. concentration,% 5L R.e. concentration,% 10l

one hundred 2.00 0.500 2.00 20.00 100.00 200.00

2.50 0.625 2.50 25.00 125.00 250.00

4.00 1.000 4.00 40.00 200.00 400.00

4.50 1.125 4.50 45.00 225.00 450.00

The required amount of the product is mixed with the amount of water that is needed for uniform application over an area of ​​1 hectare and which depends on the type of equipment used. Usually, 100 liters of working emulsion is consumed per 1 hectare, but with dense vegetation, more of it is needed.

The consumption rate of the product depends on the density of the vegetation cover and on the type of ticks: for the destruction of ticks of the genus Ixodes, 2.5 liters are spent with dense vegetation, and 2.0 liters per hectare for rare ones; for the destruction of ticks of the genus Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis - 4.0 - 4.5 liters per 1 ha.

Freshly prepared emulsions are used to kill adults and arthropod larvae. The product is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly.

Arthropod species Concentration (%) by DV Concentration (%) of the working emulsion for the preparation Amount of preparation (g) per 1 liter of water Amount of preparation (g) per 10 l of water Amount of preparation (g) per 100 l of water

Cockroaches 1.00 4.00 40.0 400 4000

Bedbugs 0.50 2.00 20.0 200 2000

Ants 0.50 2.00 20.0 200 2000

Fleas 0.25 1.00 10.0 one hundred 1000

Flies imago 0.25 1.00 10.0 one hundred 1000

Flies maggots 0.10 0.4 4.0 40 400

Mosquitoes imago 0.06 0.24 2.4 24 240

Mosquito larva 0.035 0.14 1.4 fourteen 140

Rat ticks 0.50 2.00 20.0 200 2000

When working with working emulsions, the agents use spraying equipment of various brands.

The consumption rate of the aqueous working emulsion is 50 ml / m2 (non-absorbent surface) and 100 ml / m2 (absorbent). The agent is removed from the treated surfaces with a wet method - with a rag with a soap and soda solution 24 hours after application, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the working day. From other places - after 3-5 weeks - after losing its effectiveness.


Everyone working with the product must strictly observe safety precautions.

The treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds with open windows. Food and utensils should be removed or carefully covered before processing. When processing workshops of industrial enterprises, pre-remove and carefully cover products that can adsorb the drug. After processing, the room should be well ventilated for at least 1 hour in the absence of people. Processing in children's and food institutions should be carried out on sanitary or weekend days. After disinfestation, the room should be wet cleaned using a soap and soda solution. It is possible to stay indoors in 1-2 hours after the completion of processing.

Persons working with the product must be provided with personal protective equipment: robes (overalls) made of dense (tarpaulin, etc.) or water-repellent fabric, capes with a PVC hood, oilcloth, rubberized or PVC aprons, rubber boots, technical rubber gloves (the use of medical gloves is prohibited) or cotton gloves with a film coating, hermetic anti-dust goggles (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators RU-60M, RPG-67 with a cartridge of A grade or GP-5 gas masks. Respirators should fit snugly against the face, but not squeeze it. Smelling the product under the mask of a respirator indicates that the gas mask cartridge is used up and needs to be replaced.

The duration of the working day when working with the product is 4 hours with 10 to 15 minute breaks every 45 to 50 minutes in specially designated resting places, which should be located no closer than 200 m from the treated areas, places for preparing solutions and loading areas. Before resting, you must take off your work clothes, wash your hands and face with soap.


Transportation of the vehicle is allowed by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this mode of transport, with Classification code 6112, UN No. 2588.

Store the product in a dry covered warehouse in a sealed package at a temperature not lower than minus 30 and not higher than plus 40 В° C.

Shelf life is 4 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


The product is packaged in single-use bottles with a capacity of 50 ml


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Concentrates, emulsions (organophosphorus)






1.4-20 ml / l


DV: 25% fenthion (FOS). For the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites, ticks

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