Folic acid tablets 1mg, No. 50
Expiration Date: 05/2027
Russian Pharmacy name:
Фолиевая кислота таблетки 1мг, №50
Hypovitaminosis, macrocytic anemia, sprue, leukopenia, megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy.
Inside, 3-4 tab. (as prevention of deficiency, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding). For therapeutic purposes - 0.005 g per day (for children - in smaller doses, depending on age). The course is 20-30 days.
1 tablet contains folic acid 0.001 g; in jars of dark glass, 50 pcs.
Hypersensitivity to folic acid.
Pharmacological action
Folic acid is a vitamin of group B (B9). Stimulates erythropoiesis. During pregnancy, it protects the body from teratogenic factors.
Macrocytic hyperchromic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency.
As part of the combination therapy of the following diseases: anemia and leukopenia caused by drugs and ionizing radiation; sprue; chronic gastroenteritis; intestinal tuberculosis.
Prevention of folic acid deficiency in the body (including during pregnancy and lactation).
Hypersensitivity to folic acid.
Method of administration and dosage
For treatment in adults - 5 mg / day; children - in smaller doses, depending on age. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.
For the prevention of folic acid deficiency - 20-50 mcg / day.
During pregnancy - 400 mcg / day, during lactation - 300 mcg / day.
Side effects
Allergic reactions: possible skin rash, itching.
Increased nervous irritability; irritability; hyperactivity; nausea and vomiting; bloating; diarrhea; abdominal pain; rash; sleep disorders.