Fas sulfur checker Prophylactic 300g 16 tablets

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Fas sulfur checker Prophylactic 300g 16 tablets

A modern means sulfuric checker FAS prophylactic for fumigation treatment of empty cellars and basements, greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses, which destroys:

practically all pathogens of wood diseases;

bacterial infections;

any surfaces from fungus, mold and rot;

insect pests, from woodworms to mites and their larvae;

rodents (rats, house mice, voles).


Sulfur - 800g / kg, filler.


The increased sulfur content in the composition of the checker ensures active combustion with the release of more concentrated smoke. The smoke easily penetrates into all corners of the treated premises and ensures their complete disinfection.

Process empty cellars and cellars before storing potatoes and vegetables. Consumption rate: 30-60g / cm 3 (1 block for 5-10m 3 ).

Fumigate greenhouses, hotbeds, greenhouses before planting crops, as well as after harvesting. Consumption rate: 60g / cm 3 (1 block for 5-10m 3 ).

Before processing, seal all gaps between frames, doors, cellar lids with a damp cloth, felt or other sealing materials.

Remove the checker and wick from the packaging. In the middle of the room in which it is planned to carry out disinfection, a metal sheet or non-combustible supports are placed on the floor to protect the floor surface from ignition and smoldering, set the required number of checkers vertically at a distance of at least 0.5 m from flammable substances. The number of checkers to be calculated in advance.

To ignite the checkers, put the wick on the corner of the checkers. After making sure that the checker is smoldering: a dark spot, translucent smoke and a pungent smell appeared on its surface at the point of contact with the burning wick, leave the room, close the door or the cellar lid.

Sulfurous anhydride formed during combustion is a fumigant.

Fumigation is carried out within 24-36 hours. After the end of fumigation, ventilate the cellar for 48 hours until the specific smell of sulfurous anhydride disappears completely. The remainder of the gypsum core after the combustion of the blocks is allowed.


Fumigation with sulfur bombs is not compatible with disinfection by other means.

To carry out the treatment of premises in the absence of children and pets, using personal protective equipment - glasses, respirator, gloves. During work, you must not drink, smoke, eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap, rinse your mouth.

Metal objects should be insulated to prevent corrosion - grease or grease with a thick layer of grease.

Sulfurous anhydride, which is released from the combustion of sulfuric bombs, is toxic and can cause severe poisoning if inhaled. Signs of poisoning are: headache, dizziness, pain in the eyes, nosebleeds, coughing fits, hoarseness, pain in the chest and epigastric region, acute bronchitis.

Lighting the checkers and checking the ventilation should be carried out by two people, one enters the treated room, and the other is outside to control the process.

The remains of the drug and empty packaging must be burned away from home. It is forbidden to throw it into the sewer and water bodies, leave it on the soil surface.


In case of poisoning while working with the product, the victim should be immediately taken to fresh air, 2-3 drops of sanorin or galazolin should be dripped into the nose.

When coughing, inhalation with a 3% soda solution is necessary.

If necessary, take suprastin or tavegil, consult a toxicologist.


The product is packaged in an individual cardboard box, weight 300 g (16 tablets). One transport box contains 20 pcs.


Store the product in a ventilated area, away from food, chemicals and medicines, at temperatures from -30 В° C to + 30 В° C. Protect from moisture and fire. The shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 5 years from the date of manufacture of the product.


Processing the cellar with a sulfur stick leads not only to the death of pathogens, but also dries the air in the room. Thus, using it, you will reliably protect your crop from premature decay.

The useful properties of checkers can also be used not only by gardeners and gardeners, but also by breeders of various domestic animals. The walls and floors of rooms where chickens, cows, pigs and other animals are kept are replete with various kinds of parasites and harmful microorganisms. This cannot but be reflected in milk yield, egg production and weight gain. When carrying out these activities, it is recommended to remove livestock from the premises.

It is ideal for antibacterial treatment of premises, its effectiveness is higher than that of any other preparation. They cope even in places that cannot be processed in any other way. Another important factor - during processing, the checker heats up and dries the room, this helps to preserve and protect the wood even better, because most diseases in it appear due to dampness.


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Insecticidal checkers





Temperature regime

from -30 to +30


DW: sulfur 800g / kg. Multipurpose disinfectant kills insects, rats and fungus

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