each Hemostatic sponge Green Oakwood Collagen hemostatic sponge 97x97 mm
Manufacturer country
Brand name
Green oak grove
A type
Hemostatic sponge
Package size (Length x Width x Height), cm
16 x 15 x 2
Package weight, g
Self-absorbable collagen wound covering for stopping various bleeding, has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity.
1. Collagen
2. Aminocaproic acid
3. Argovit (silver suspension)
4. Boric acid
Mechanism of action:
Absorbs wound exudate, gradually turning into a gel
Collagen and aminocaproic acid contribute to the early stop of bleeding
Argovit - antimicrobial and antioxidant protection
Boric acid - antiseptic and astringent action
Collagen promotes healing and healthy granulation formation
Indications for use:
Tamponade of the sinuses of the dura mater
Stopping bleeding from the medullary canal
Filling of defects of internal organs
Bleeding after tooth extraction
Capillary and internal bleeding
Household injuries, nosebleeds
Package quantity: 1 piece.
Method of application: immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis, open the package with scissors.
The hemostatic plate (collagen sponge) is removed, applied to the bleeding place and pressed against it for 1-2 minutes, or the bleeding surface is tightly tamped, followed by bandaging.
After soaking with blood, the hemostatic plate adheres tightly to the bleeding surface.
To close the damaged areas of the parenchymal organs (liver) or the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy, the hemostatic plate is applied to the damaged surface.
If the bleeding has not stopped, a second layer of the hemostatic plate can be applied.
After stopping the bleeding, the hemostatic plate is fixed with a U-shaped suture.
Further management of the operation is carried out according to the accepted methods.
To stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding site is closed with a hemostatic plate.
After stopping the bleeding, the hemostatic plate is not removed, since it is subsequently completely absorbed.
The size and number of hemostatic plates used are selected in accordance with the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.
Manufacturer country
Brand name
Green oak grove
A type
Hemostatic sponge
Package size (Length x Width x Height), cm
16 x 15 x 2
Package weight, g