Dirofen suspension 20 for cats 7ml

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Dirofen suspension 20 for cats 7ml


Dirofen-suspension 20 (Dirofen-suspension 20) is a suspension for oral use for deworming cats, puppies, kittens, ferrets and decorative rodents. In appearance, the drug is a viscous liquid of light yellow color.


In 1 ml, the drug contains 5 mg of praziquantel and 15 mg of pyrantel pamoate, as well as pumpkin seed oil.


Dirofen suspension is a combined preparation with a wide spectrum of activity against all stages of development of round and tape helminths, including Toxocara mystax, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria spp., Ancylostoma spp., Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus multiatus, Echinococcus granulosus multiatus, Echinococcus lineage Diphyllobothrium latum, Dipylidium caninum, Multiceps multiceps, Taenia spp., Parasitizing in cats. Praziquantel, which is part of the suspension, increases the permeability of cell membranes for calcium ions and inhibits the parasite's enzyme - fumarate reductase, causing spastic contraction of the muscles, turning into paralysis. The mechanism of action of pyrantel pamoate is to block neuromuscular transmission, impair the permeability of cell membranes and inhibition of cholinesterase, which leads to paralysis and death of the helminth. When administered orally, praziquantel is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaches its maximum concentration in the blood plasma after 1 to 3 hours, is distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal, and is excreted from the body as metabolites in the urine (up to 80%) within 24 hours. Pirantel pamoate is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, providing a longer parasiticidal effect directly in the intestine, and is excreted from the body mainly unchanged with feces (93%). Pumpkin seed oil contains a unique chemical composition that includes a complex of vitamins B, C and PP, carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements. Pumpkin seed oil stimulates local immunity, accelerates the regeneration processes of intestinal cells damaged by parasites, enhances its peristaltic contractions, which facilitates and accelerates the process of freeing the body of a sick animal from worms. Dirofen suspension, according to the degree of effect on the body of warm-blooded animals, refers to moderately hazardous substances and in recommended doses does not have a local irritating, sensitizing, teratogenic and embryotoxic effect.


Prevention and treatment of nematodes and cestodes in cats (including mixed infestations in animals).


Dirofen suspension is administered to cats inside once individually in the morning feeding with a small amount of food or injected directly onto the root of the tongue using a syringe dispenser at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of body weight. Before use, the suspension bottle must be shaken thoroughly for 1? 2 minutes. A preliminary fasting diet and the use of laxatives are not required when using the drug. For prophylactic purposes, deworming is carried out every 3 months, as well as before each vaccination. Therapeutic measures against nematodes and cestodes are carried out according to indications. With a strong degree of invasion, the suspension is re-set after 10 days.


In very rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity to the drug and overdose in animals, refusal to feed, depression, increased salivation, vomiting, allergic reactions and dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract are possible.


Increased individual sensitivity to drug components. It is not recommended to deworm cats in the first half of pregnancy and within 3 weeks after giving birth, kittens younger than 3 weeks of age, as well as patients with infectious diseases, convalescent and malnourished animals. Do not administer the suspension simultaneously with piperazine derivatives and other drugs that inhibit cholinesterase.


When used in accordance with the instructions, no special instructions are required.


In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed in the manufacturer's packaging at a temperature of 2 to 25 В° C. Shelf life is 2 years.


7 ml are packaged in polymer bottles, which, together with a syringe dispenser and stickers for a veterinary passport, are packed in cardboard boxes.


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from 0 to +25


for the prevention and treatment of nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariosis, hookworm disease) and cestodosis

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