Biorex K 10% 90g

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Biorex K 10% 90g


Biorex K 10% is a veterinary drug for the fight against lice, flies, gnats, ixodid and scabies mites, chicken downy eaters in other animal ectoparasites, as well as for disinsection and deacarization of veterinary surveillance objects. In appearance, Biorex-K is a homogeneous oily transparent liquid of yellow-orange color, opalescence is allowed. Forms a milky white emulsion with water.


It contains Cypermethrin 10%, rosin, surfactant (OP-7 or OP-10), neonol, and nefras.


Pharmacotherapeutic group of the drug: Biorex-K 10% - an antiparasitic agent.

Biorex-K 10% possesses a wide spectrum of insectoacaricidal action, is effective against most important ectoparasites of farm animals: ixodid ticks, parasitizing one or several animal species; scabies mites of cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys and camels, mites and downy eaters of chickens, lice in pigs, sheep and cattle; fleas in fur animals and dogs; blood-sucking and other flies, protects animals from the larvae of parasitic flies.

Biorex-K 10% is effective against ectoparasites resistant to organochlorine, organophosphorus compounds, carbamates and amidines.

The pharmacological properties of Biorex-K 10% are due to the active ingredient cypermethrin included in its composition.

Cypermethrin (Cypermethrin) - insecticidal-acaricidal agent of intestinal action from the class of synthetic pyrethroids.

It disrupts the function of the nervous system, acting on sodium-potassium channels and calcium exchange in synapses, which leads to the release of an excessive amount of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse. Poisoning in arthropods manifests itself in strong excitement, damage to the motor centers, accompanied by paralysis, followed by death.

Has a long-term residual effect on the skin and hair of animals and treated surfaces of premises.

. Biorex-K 10% is moderately toxic for warm-blooded animals (III hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76). In recommended doses, it does not have a local irritant and sensitizing effect. Toxic to fish and bees.


Biorex-K 10% is used to fight against lice, flies, gnats, ixodid and scabies mites, chickens and other ectoparasites of animals. Also, the drug is used for the treatment of premises, shelters, corrals in the presence of animals.


Treatment of animals Biorex-K 10% is used for bathing animals, spraying or applying with a brush in accordance with the attached table No. 1, as well as the method of watering using the drug in its native (undiluted) form.

Processing object Parasites Mode of application Dilution of Biorex-K 10%

Cattle, pigs All kinds Spraying (all over the body) 1 ml per 1000 ml water

Cattle Flies Spraying along the back 5 ml per 1000 ml water, 500 ml solution per animal

Cattle, sheep, goats All kinds Bathing Bath filling, 1 liter per 1000 liters of water. Topping up the volume of the bath: 1 liter per 1000 liters of water.

Bird Ticks, eaters Spraying 1 liter per 1000 liters of water

Furry animals All kinds Spraying of wool, sheds, houses 1L for 1000 ml of water

Livestock premises All kinds Spraying 100 ml for 5-10 liters of water per 100m2 of surface

Biorex-K 10% is extremely stable when used in a cup bath. The drug is specially designed to avoid delamination.

Before mass treatments of animals, the drug is tested on a small group of animals (1-15 heads) of different ages and fatness. If, within two days after using the drug in a therapeutic concentration, no signs of toxicosis are noted, using the same method, proceed to the treatment of the entire livestock.

To prepare the cup emulsion, the sample of the drug is thoroughly mixed with 2-3 volumes of water, and then, with constant stirring, is poured into the bath. After processing the animal, the acaricidal liquid is drained into settling wells, preventing environmental pollution.

Spraying of animals is carried out from disinfection installations (LSD, DUK, VDM), knapsack sprayers providing fine-drop spraying, with a consumption rate of 1 liter per animal.

Repeated processing of animals is carried out according to indications, adhering to the following intervals: with melophagosis - 25-30 days; with sifunculatosis - 1 O days: against ixodid ticks - during the entire pasture period with an interval of 9 days.

In the cold season, animals are treated with 10% Biorex-K emulsion concentrate in native form by irrigation. At the site of application of the drug, the coat is pushed apart in different directions and the drug is applied in a thin stream at a dose of 5 ml of 10%, or 1 ml of 50% emulsion concentrate for every 10 kg of animal weight.


It is forbidden to treat 10% of patients with infectious diseases and malnourished animals with Biorex-K, and females in the second half of pregnancy.


The shelf life of Biorex-K 10% subject to storage conditions is 5 years from the date of production. Biorex-K 10% is stored in closed manufacturer's packaging, protected from direct sunlight, separate from food and feed, at temperatures from minus 25 В° C to plus 40 В° C.


Biorex-K 10% is produced packaged in polymer bottles of 0.09 kg.


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Factory Veterinary drugs

Temperature regime

from -25 to + 40


for the fight against lice, flies, gnats, ixodid and scabies mites, puffin eaters of chickens in other ectoparasites of animals

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