Bioprotectin 15 capsules

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Bioprotectin 15 capsules


Bioprotectin is a drug used to treat liver disease in dogs. The outer capsule (No. O) of the Bioprotectin preparation contains a purified extract of dry milk thistle fruits in the form of a powder from light yellow to light brown, odorless. The inner capsule (No. 3) contains live freeze-dried bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, sorbed on highly dispersed silica (VDK), as well as an auxiliary component lactulose, in the form of a powder from gray to light beige with a specific fermented milk smell.


One double capsule of the preparation Bioprotectin contains: milk thistle dry extract 0.1 g, live bifidobacteria B. bifidum No. 1, sorbed on highly dispersed silica (VDK) - not less than 50 million colony-forming units (5x107 CFU), live lactobacilli L. fermentum No. 90T-C4, sorbed on highly dispersed silica (VDK) - not less than 50 million colony-forming units (5x107 CFU) and an auxiliary substance lactulose - not less than 0.12 g.


Pharmacotherapeutic group - hepatoprotective agent. ATX code AO5BA.

Bioprotectin is a combined drug of targeted hepatoprotective action. Milk thistle extract has a stabilizing effect on the hepatic cell membrane, inhibits cytolysis and the penetration of toxins into liver cells, stimulates the synthesis of proteins and enzymes in hepatocytes, and prevents the development of cholestasis.

The live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli included in the preparation participate in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, providing the formation of amino acids, vitamins, organic and short-chain fatty acids, which improve tissue trophism and liver function, transform exo- and endotoxins, converting them into non-toxic compounds, which are removed from the body. Conglomerates of bacteria adsorbed on VDK create optimal conditions for the rapid restoration of intestinal normal flora and its protective functions.

The excipient lactulose is not cleaved by enzymes of the small intestine and is not absorbed, it is hydrolyzed by bacteria in the large intestine, being a food substrate for the probiotic component of the drug and the normal flora that colonizes the large intestine.


Bioprotectin is used to treat liver pathologies in dogs, including hepatitis of various etiologies, as well as dysbacteriosis resulting from intoxication and drug therapy.

Bioprotectin is prescribed for therapeutic purposes: in acute and chronic liver diseases of various etiologies; in conditions accompanied by the development of hepatic failure; after prolonged antibiotic and chemotherapy, therapy with hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; for gastrointestinal diseases of unknown etiology and food toxicosis


The drug is administered orally to animals. The capsule is given whole or I open by mixing the contents of the capsule with boiled water at room temperature or food.

In acute liver diseases the drug is prescribed for 23 days, in the following dosage: for dogs up to 5 kg, 1 capsule per day; dogs from 5 to 10 kg, 2 capsules per day; Dogs from 1O kg and above 4 capsules per day.

For chronic hepatitis and liver failure: dogs up to 5 kg, 1 capsule per day for 14 days; dogs from 5 to 10 kg, 1 capsule for 23 days; dogs from 1 kg and more, 2 capsules per day for 23 days.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug is prescribed in courses of 1 capsule per day for 14-20 days with an interval of 3-4 months.


In case of an overdose of the drug Bioprotectin, no adverse reactions were detected.

The peculiarities of the drug reaction during the initial or course use of the drug have not been established.

Special measures for missing one or more doses of the drug are not provided, the course of treatment and prevention continues.


There are no contraindications for the use of Bioprotectin.


Side effects when using the drug Bioprotectin in recommended doses have not been identified.


Expiration date -18 months from the date of issue, subject to storage and transportation conditions. After the expiration date, the drug is not suitable for use.

Bioprotectin is stored at a temperature of 2 to 1 В° C, storage (transportation) of the drug is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 25 В° C for no more than 10 days.


Bioprotectin is packaged in 15 capsules in polymer cans with first opening control. The cans are packed in a cardboard box and supplied with instructions for use.


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Temperature regime

from +2 to +10


for the treatment of liver pathologies in dogs

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